When we are thinking about the topic of “personalization” we can be very sure that across almost all industries management is wondering how to apply it or improve it, this is so due to the high potential that personalization has for any business. Loyalty ...
Google impact on tourism industry
Over the past few years Google has made some major changes on its search engines as well as some add ons that have impacted the tourism industry, or better yet, on how people travel to a great extent. What are some of these changes? SERP or search engi ...
Electronic Word of Mouth – eWOM
As we all know nowadays the power has shifted to consumers, people trust people and not marketers and adverts, therefore word of mouth (WOD) has more power than never before. The traditional WOM is defined as the oral form of interpretation ...
The Importance of Segmentation
Kotler and Armstrong (2006) explained through their research how important is the task of attracting customers, but more important is actually retaining those customers, since losing a customer means also losing the entire stream of purchases that they wo ...