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Take Your Guest Experience to the Next Level


Lately, all hotels and hospitality entities in general are very much concerned with guest experience as it reflects in their image, future sales, and  of course eventually profitability. There is the job title “Guest Experience Manager”, basically this person is responsible with meeting and exceeding the guest’s expectations, drive engagement and other financial related tasks. Of course, as we are in the 21st century and there a smart way a computer can help and improve this job, we have guest experience management software or GEM, as Hotech company is calling it. This type of software called all kind of data about your guests and manipulates it in a way that allows the hoteliers to increase guest satisfaction and of course increase hotel revenue.


  • Keep in mind that mobile use for booking and checking information has increased dramatically, keep in mind that not only your website should be interesting and attractive, it should also be mobile compatible.
  • Mobile dominates the list of new technology rollouts for 2016 and 84% of hotel operators are planning to integrate mobiles somehow in their operations in the next 18 months. Furthermore, 25% of hoteliers are planning to switch to mobile keys
  • Integrating mobile data, using mobile data and PMS information enables the hotel to upsell guests through pre-arrival and checkout offers
  • Enabling guest room tech
  • Tightening the security, with so many guests using their own mobile devices, both the hotel and the guests need to be secure
  • Don’t forget about online reputation and being active on social media. The way customers search and get informed has changed, any virtual food print matters

What mobile devices are doing towards guest experience management is feeding information about their owners, this information can be used for personalization and co-creation, offering the guest exactly what they want.

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